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How To Choose A University Course that fits you

How To Choose A University Course that fits you

When it comes to choosing a course, many people experience confusion and difficulties. Every year, seminars are organised in high schools and colleges to help students choose their courses. If you want to know how to choose a University Course that fits you, then this article is for you. Some of the guidelines for choosing a course are discussed here, in no particular order. You should ask yourself the following questions or consider the following points before choosing a course.

Are there reputable institutions that offer the course?

All schools do not offer the same number of courses. Some even have areas of specialisation and this makes them more reputable than other institutions that offer similar courses. For instance, certain universities specialise only in technical education. In choosing a course, you should consider whether the institutions that offer the course are reputable. Some institutions offer courses for which they have not been accredited. Attending such a school jeopardizes your chances of securing a good job in the future.

Is the course able to attract scholarships?

Giving your financial status, you may also want to consider if the course of your choice can attract scholarship offers. Knowing that you stand a chance to win a scholarship is enough encouragement to excel in a particular course. This reduces the financial burden on you, making you focus more on academic issues.

Also Read: How to study smarter and not harder

Let your choice reflect your value system.

Do not violate your conscience or value system by the choice you make in relation to your course of study. Respect your value system because violating it will leave you with an unending sense of guilt. No matter how juicy the prospects of studying a course may appear, do not go for it if it violates your values.

Seek the opinion of your parents/guardians and academic mentors.

When it comes to making a sound judgement, you may be wrong if you undermine the perspectives of others. Learn to seek the opinions of your parents/guardians and academic mentors. They know your abilities and can offer constructive criticism where and when necessary. Besides, since your parents and mentors are more experienced than you are, they will help you to identify the pros and cons of your chosen course.

Get the perspectives of your friends and siblings.

The opinions of your friends and siblings should not also be undermined. Since you relate with these people often, they know your strength and weaknesses. Some of them can carry out an unbias assessment of your personality and then help you to make informed choices.

Consider your academic strength and weaknesses.

If you are poor in mathematics, you should not go for a course that requires lots of calculation. Find out where your strength lies and identify courses along those lines. If you overlook this aspect, you will struggle and may not be able to compete favourably with others in that line of interest.

Consider whether the course can be practised in your country.

Many courses are irrelevant in certain countries. After studying those courses, the graduates will remain unemployed for years without having any hope of a means of livelihood. On the other hand, the labour market is always demanding the services of those who studied certain courses. For instance, choosing a course in any of the branches of agricultural science will be rewarding because as long as humans exist, they won’t stop attempting to meet their basic needs (feeding, shelter and clothing). And all these come from the field of agriculture.

Consider your talents and abilities.

Your natural ability is a key component of your decision to choose a given course. If you are naturally gifted in making using, a career in the entertainment industry may not be a bad idea. If you are naturally gifted in speech-making, then, you may not be in the wrong direction if you consider a course in the humanities or communication arts.

Choose something that you enjoy or have an interest in doing.

Many people choose their courses based on the financial benefits. While the monetary value of a course is a valid consideration, it should not be the ultimate. Each course or profession has its challenges. When those challenges come, it is your interest in the course that will sustain you. So, don’t choose what you don’t love doing.

How lucrative is that course? Will it be lucrative in the future? One of the major reasons for choosing a course is to eventually be able to make money from the career associated with the course. However, while some courses have the guarantee of immediate financial rewards, others do not. The latter may have a bright prospect in a matter of a few years. You should put all these into consideration.